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Condition Ratings

Condition Rating Disclaimer

The table below is complementary information in regards to product "Condition Ratings" on goodppls LLC website. Items may be assigned a "Condition Rating" from One (1) to Ten (10). All items with a "Condition Rating" rating of less than 10 indicates that the item being offered has been previously used, may be defective and/or is not directly sourced from the manufacturer. Letters may be used to denote particular defects of such items. The letter "O" indicates item may be old, the letter "C" indicates item may have cosmetic damage, the letter "R" indicates that the item is a return. These ratings may not be accurate and should not be used as a true assessment of any listing and returns may incur a restocking fee. Buyer must agree to GP Rewards Terms & Conditions to purchase any discount item.


 Condition Rating Product Defect
10 None
8-9 Cosmetic Damage (Tear, Dent, Mislabeled)
6-7 Short Dated (Best By Date, Old Item)
1-5 Product Integrity (Salvage, Buyer Beware)